Thursday, January 27, 2011

Floating Weeds

I wish I had the energy to write about this movie. I had to leave work today because I had such a bad migraine, and I still have it. I can't focus, and it's really hard for me to process this movie. Today's movie is Floating Weeds, directed by Yasujiro Ozu in 1959. It's a beautiful movie, and I know I'm going to watch it again if I can soon, when I can see it with a clearer mind.

Ozu's films are stunning to look at. His camerawork is so unique and fantastic. He never moves his camera. I would say there is about one shot where the camera moves in this entire film. He shoots normal life with a reverence and a respect that feel so genuine. I feel like he was such a careful, loving person because of how he directed his films. Ebert mentions that he never really amps up the drama in his films, this one included. He means that, I think, in the sense that they never become a normal-life-melodrama. Their problems are real and serious, but he never crosses into like, Revolutionary Road territory or something. He treats the characters and their issues with dignity and tenderness. I think this is what makes Floating Weeds such a special film - the artistry of his cinematography combined with his overwhelming empathy. 

I wish I had the focus to say something about this film other than that I liked it. But that's about as far as I can go right now. I hope that when I wake up tomorrow I feel much better. Maybe I'll come back to this and work on it more later, but for right now, I really need to take another migraine pill and go to sleep.

Have any of you seen Floating Weeds? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Roger Ebert's Great Movie Essay on Floating Weeds

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