Thursday, March 1, 2012

Excuses, excuses.

Alright, internet. Get your shoes on! I'm actually making a post. About a Great Movie! I didn't want to watch The Leopard which is like five hours long, so I let the internet decide between the two other Great Movies I had on DVD from Netflix - Rear Window or The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. The lazy poll resulted in the selection of Rear Window (much thanks to those who texted or came into my goon laboratory to tell me). A post about it is coming up after the film is over & I have stuffed my face with Vietnamese food and white wine.

"Why has she not posted anything for so long?" you might be wondering. Unfortunately I injured my back right after Thanksgiving, and it was pretty painful and dumb. The sort of serious business medications they prescribe you for stuff like that are not so great for movie watching and blog postin'. I was lucky if I could stay awake past 8 p.m. before the combination of muscle relaxers, painkillers, and physical therapy knocked me out. My physical therapists were awesome, though, and managed to fix me. At least I wasn't still going through the Great Movies books. Now that I'm sort of back to normal (that's pretty relative of a term), it seemed like a good time to get back to something that really matters.

Anyway, I wanted to make a post explaining myself, so I didn't clutter up the movie post with bitching and moaning about my strange adeptness at injuring myself. So there you have it.

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