Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays!

It's quite busy around my house right now, with everyone getting ready for Christmas. I tried to get all of my gift shopping and wrapping done early, before the first day of movie watching, but I'm still finding myself with so much to do. It's harder to find the time to sit and watch films and write when I have errands to run, gifts to wrap, and the house to clean! I'm not taking a break from the project, so on Christmas Eve, when my family exchanges gifts, I'll have to make time to watch Ali: Fear Eats the Soul and on Christmas day, when my extended family comes over for more face-stuffing, eggnog drinking, and gifts, I'll have to find time to watch All About Eve. I'm sure it will be a bit of a challenge to keep writing and watching during this busy time, but hopefully I can wrangle some of my family to check out these movies with me. :)
I hope everyone has a warm, merry Christmas, with lots of food, drink, and special moments with family and friends!
All my presents are wrapped...even Nikita.